Differences Between Excel, Excel for Mac & Google Spreadsheet

measuring the differences in spreadsheeetsLET’S MEASURE THE DIFFERENCES

What are the differences between Excel for PC, Excel for Mac and Google’s Spreadsheet?

Below is a table of the differences that I’ve been made aware of or have encountered myself. The links will take you to examples in blogposts or video.

There are many more differences than these. One example: you’re viewing the checklist via ExcelWebApp. In contrast, an embedded Google spreadsheet is just a picture—nothing interactive about it.

If you’re an Excel user and know of other differences, please share via my contact page and I’ll make the update.

NOTE: in August 2013 I sold my Mac and am no longer tracking the differences between the spreadsheets.
So, the list is up to date for what I discovered up to the date Roger came and bought my MacBook Pro.