19DEC12: Excel formula workshop in Chicago

After teaching an Excel workshop, students requests a workshop on Excel formulas. We're doing it! I'll be teaching ... EXCEL FORMULA WORKSHOP Wednesday, 19 December 2012 $20 6:30pm to 8:30pm The Holiday Club 4000 N Sheridan Outstanding place to have a nice burger, a...

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Top 5 Excel Functions

Here's the answer to a question about THE Excel Functions To Know. The request was for the top 10 but 10 is too many. After 3 or 4 functions, they get difficult to rank because they fall into areas of infrequent use or exclusive use. Things like INDIRECT, INDEX, RAND,...

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Excel, Music and Songwriting

QUESTION Brother Henning asked about the relationship between bass playing and Excel skill. Part of the answer is in a previous blogpost where I surmise that there's a relationship between Data Managers and people who play bass and drums. There's a mindset committed...

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