Getting to the Sexy Data

Hey! ‘Sexy’ isn’t my word. It’s used twice in the New York Times article, For Big-Data Scientists, ‘Janitor Work’ Is Key Hurdle to Insights. ‘Sexy’ is used once each by Data Scientists Michael Cavaretta and Matt...

Guerrilla Data Analysis Has Been Re-Written!

It’s been quiet around here for the past few months. Why? I’ve been writing an Excel book. Actually, I wrote an Excel book with Mr Excel, Bill Jelen. It was turned in to the publisher on 1JUL14. And what does any self-respecting guerrilla analyst/author do...

What Made My Trainee Cry?

On Episode 12 of Excel TV I said a little about a trainee who started crying as I was teaching her the details of her new job. This story comes up in conversations around the challenges of working with data. This particular challenge was a complete data...