by Oz du Soleil | Jul 16, 2013 | Tips
If you make a lot of charts, here’s a too often unused feature in Excel: Logarithmic Scale. Thanks to fellow Excel Badass Blogger Michael Rempel for this tip! In the video below, I take the tip further to include a secondary axis and and area graph. Let’s...
by Oz du Soleil | Jul 10, 2013 | Case Studies, Data Management, Excel Geekdom
Rachel Esralew and I are leading Sriracha Smackdown Round II: The True Sensation. This will be a Google Hangout where many of us will sample and rate the joyful joy of various brands of sriracha. ♦♦ One night I stumbled across Rachel’s...
by Oz du Soleil | Jul 5, 2013 | Data Management, Excel Geekdom
WARNING: Excel 2013 Content Ahead Chandoo, the Excel Master of Excel Masters and is a blessing for many of us in the Excel world. His humor and Excel knowledge keep us Excel geeks on top of our game. Today, I borrow from both his humor and his reminder of an Excel...
by Oz du Soleil | Jun 21, 2013 | Data Management, Excel Geekdom, Tips
Let’s add this to an earlier post about the 6 Quiet Habits for Working with Excel & Data. In that post I listed several best practices that won’t ever end up in a “Make Excel Your Friend” manual. Yet, they are just as helpful as a nested IF...
by Oz du Soleil | Jun 7, 2013 | Data Integrity, Data Management, Excel Geekdom
I’m getting ready to teach a 2-session workshop on parsing data in Excel. As with other courses, before I teach them for the first time, I have to clarify the mindset to decide who would get the most from the course. Scrubbing data, reorganizing columns, peeling...